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In the property, the main thing of each video card is a video memory, in some video cards it is more expensive, while others are cheaper, and it depends not on the model, but on the occasion.
 When you buy a video card you never know what memory you get a video card. People try to determine the type of memory by the batch number, other algorithms, I personally prefer not to bother with this and I do not advise you. Why? Now a huge deficit of video cards, large players massively buy video cards from factories, the same video cards that came out instantly buy up the bugs. You want to buy a video card and get a cache or you will sit and wait until the party with the desired number comes. Choosing for you. Personally, I consider the "landing" on the CPU not feasible. Increasing complexity, the cost of components, the need to purchase a motherboard for every 1, 2 processors. Why 1, 2 Because there are motherboards that s ... Read more »

Views: 254 | Added by: adewsdk | Date: 28.03.2018 | Comments (0)

Mining, as well as mining, is a support activity for a distributed platform and the creation of new blocks with the opportunity to receive rewards in the form of new units and commission fees in various cryptic currencies, including in Bitkoyn. Generated computations are needed to provide protection against reuse of the same units, and rewards encourage people to spend their computing power and maintain network performance.
This definition accurately describes the essence of the property. There is a platform (technology, system), in order for it to work it must be supported, in order to support it, it is necessary to carry out calculations in order to make the calculation of the necessary special equipment so that people buy this equipment they need to give an incentive, for example, in the form of money, in their the queue of the platform can offer instead its "tokens", which in consequence man converts in money, but in ... Read more »

Views: 284 | Added by: adewsdk | Date: 28.03.2018 | Comments (0)

Is not it too late to earn money on the property
I thought very much in what style to write this article and came to the conclusion that it would be easier for me to write "I" - a man writes this article and "you" - dear reader.
 I'll take some information from free sources to save you time.

I warn immediately, the "landing" topic is not for everyone. I will not explain the reasons because it is necessary to use terms with which you may not be familiar. Here are the examples below, when you should not go to the "mining":
• A small budget, for example, 20000 UAH., I recommend to go from 100000 UAH.
• Do not understand the technique (at all). Of course, here you can understand everything if you want, but if it's not yours, think it is necessary for you. There is an outlet, friend, brother, uncle, shorter than the other person who can figure it out ... Read more »

Views: 238 | Added by: adewsdk | Date: 28.03.2018 | Comments (0)

This process provides network activity. The miners (they are also called miners) provide security, transaction efficiency and anonymity in the system.
 For the "miner" earnings earned in the system new coins (every 10 minutes about 25 coins), which will be distributed among the participants. But for today, calculations are so complicated that using an ordinary computer for the acquisition of virtual coins, will bring only losses (depreciation of equipment, electricity, etc.). Now, miners are united in a bullet to combine computing power, and gained bitcoins are divided in proportion to the volume of performed calculations. There are sites (they are also called cranes), on which you need to enter the captcha and receive a reward in the form of satiš, but many will not earn them. Most of them extract the satoshi, and then they are thrown into cloud mining. Once again, the amounts there are not significant and how seri ... Read more »

Views: 255 | Added by: adewsdk | Date: 28.03.2018 | Comments (0)

In this article we will talk about bitcoin, because this word has been recently heard by everyone, and everyone, even the presidents, are interested in it.
 And by the end many do not understand, knowledge is limited only to the fact that it is a virtual currency, which is not controlled by anyone.
Most believe that the future of this currency, or it's so, is hard to say, but it's not possible to stay away. Bitcoin is a digital money, is completely free and stored electronically, does not depend on state, banks, corporations. Its value depends on demand directly. The higher the demand, the more expensive it is. It does not depend on the price of oil, not tied to precious metals and this is its main advantage.
Bitcoins can be bought for ordinary money, or exchanged for goods or services. Using programs installed on a PC or mobile device, users send and receive this crypto currency. Bitcoin was created by so ... Read more »

Views: 301 | Added by: adewsdk | Date: 28.03.2018 | Comments (0)

About the mainline of electronic karbovantsya, vigіdnі інвестиції у біткойном, shahi yogo legalizatsii i majbutnє kriptovaljut
Popit on the crypto currency nevpinno zrostaє, yak і kilkіst hunter zarobiti on digital pennies. About the mainline of electronic karbovantsya, vigіdnі інвестиції у біткойном, shahi yogo legalizatsii i majbutnі kriptovylyut zagalom - read from the pidbirtsі site "24".
Yak і de kupiti bіtkoyn: покрокова інструкція Yak buitbotkoyn, about podrobitsі інвестування у криптовалюту, що треба знати і на що з зважати ...
Yak zarobit bіtkoyn: available about the crypto currency Zarobiti bіtkoyn chi іnshu kriptovalyutu mozhna can be found in Ukraine without problems, hocha at nashіy derzhavi lezhno napisana zakonodivcha base z tsiogo pitan ...
Usee pro bitkoyn: korisnі poradi for investment in the Crypto-currency of the Cryptovalut btkoynin vzhebila mіlionerami i navіt mіlyarderami chimalo ... Read more »

Views: 335 | Added by: adewsdk | Date: 28.03.2018 | Comments (0)

Home farm for the main.
The price of the bottles and those of the alternative crypto-currencies are prodovzhuy zrostosti, і, it is possible, they are zamisljuvalis over tim, yak on ts'omu pidzarobiti.

One zі sostіv - zіbrati farm for the main line and otrimuvati such a rank пасиний дохід. TechToday asked the people, yaka borrowed the main, rozpovisti about the main things, on yakі slid zvernuti respect, zbrirayuchi farm. Videokarti - tse golovnyi i naydorozhchichy Element sistemi. Same stink robitimut calculated, for yakі vizimaete vinogorodu. To calculate the amount of money you can spend on the old model of video cards, or even if you want to dynamically work with that pributkovu system, then varto zvernuti respect for the rest of the model. For NVIDIA TSX GTX 1060 is that, for AMD RADEON - RX470 is that.

Відразу постає питання: чіпу я ... Read more »

Views: 273 | Added by: adewsdk | Date: 28.03.2018 | Comments (0)

And where do these farms stand: at home or in a separate rented room? They consume electricity decently - what are the costs for the month?
Mine at home is a big risk. All equipment is located in a special room, where besides my farms there are dozens of the same, but already other owners. The room has everything you need for normal operation of the miners: reinforced wiring, stable Internet, systems for supplying fresh filtered air and tapping hot, a huge number of fans, security with video surveillance. For a place for a single farm + electricity and maintenance, I pay about $ 100 a month.

Special companies are engaged in leasing out space, which have recently appeared in Ukraine. Earlier one could hear about such things only abroad, today there are solutions for Ukrainians. However, this does not interfere with the use of foreign services - I did this with ASIC-miners, which I did no ... Read more »

Views: 210 | Added by: adewsdk | Date: 28.03.2018 | Comments (0)

When did you get acquainted with crypto-currencies? And why did you decide to start mining directly?
I keep track of crypto-currencies long ago, around 2013. I bought my first bitcoin somewhere for $ 40 on the BTC-e, which had already closed and rebounded again. I did not buy because I invested, but for a specific purpose - I advertised one of my projects (mobile game for iOS / Android) on a rather popular Twitter account. Even then it was possible to pay for the advertising post by the bitcoins. After that, for several years, I just watched the development of crypto-currencies and did not hurry to invest money, just "asked the price". I grabbed my head when the price skyrocketed, and then sighed with relief when I fell back. At the same time, I was not particularly interested in the mining itself, since I did not fully understand its economic feasibility for myself personally.

... Read more »

Views: 184 | Added by: adewsdk | Date: 28.03.2018 | Comments (0)